no jo pohoda.. svet je nadherne miesto a ako hovori klasik
The world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time...
zaregistrujte sa a presvedčte o mnohých z výhod byť členom
Komentáre a hodnotenia
Zoradiť od najstaršíchThe world is a beautiful place
to be born into
if you don't mind happiness
not always being
so very much fun
if you don't mind a touch of hell
now and then
just when everything is fine
because even in heaven
they don't sing
all the time...
Takze pozor na spalene prsty! :)